Friday, January 3, 2014

Now We Are Six, 1927

The chosen, first book of the year 2014 to be featured on my blog is..... Winnie the Pooh! tataa~!

This is the last of the series of A. A. Milne's Pooh Bear poem book, first American edition of Now We Are Six, illustrated by E. H. Shepard, published by E. P. Dutton & Co. (New York, 1927) It's kinda sad that it's missing the dust jacket, but the client isn't concerned about its market value or what not. It's a sentimental, priceless piece of her childhood that needs to be in her family for generations. The restoration involved was new spine re-hinging without gold lettering, internal cloth hinges, complete resewing, minor corner repairs and some paper mending.

I've put up some pictures of the illustrations here for you guys, because who doesn't like Pooh Bear?! The cutest and the most delightful little thing on the planet next to Honey Boo Boo! (arrr, Am being sarcastic. My bad, my bad.) But, I tell you what.. When I was checking out those adorable illustrations with a face full of spontaneous smiles, master mumbled something with giggles. He whispered, "Now we are sixty.." *giggle giggle grin*... Yes, you ARE indeed sixty, alright. Duh. But now, I can't stop imagining Pooh Bear with a bending back, walking awkwardly with a swinging cane, cursing at random things like an old geezer, Yo! Thanks a lot, master for feeding me the awful images!!

But if you really think about it, Pooh, after all, is 88 years old as of 2014 actually... oh boy.. Truth hurts sometimes. (haha..) Anyway.. Happy New Year, guys! 


  1. Good, good...let the sarcasm flow in you!
    Warm wishes for a happy 2014 MHR!

  2. A very warm and sweet post of the beginning of 2014.It brings me back to my childhood...
    and I really love the part of "sixty",haha...poor M. Pooh Bear won't get old:))

    1. Yeah! That's the point! - Something warm n' sweet to start a new year. ;-) It's so cold (physically, brrr..) and most of news broadcasted everyday are always sad and heartbreaking. So, look at Pooh and the little piglet (<--I love him, too! He's so cute!), and let's be happy! hohoho!

      A happy new year, Huhu!
