Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Annual Register, 1782

Ugh,, where do I start.. First, my apology for my sudden disappearance and making you guys worry! Second, my yet - again apology for not responding to any of your e-mails, comments and inquiries. Ugh.. I'm soooooo sorry..

But hey, I'm still alive, yo!! (Remember when Dr. Frankenstein's creature came alive? haha, it kinda feels like it.)

Well, the thing is, as some of you might have guessed, I've fallen ill, which became sever enough overtime to pardon myself almost completely from work and any social activities. So, for the last year or so, I really had neither time nor energy to do anything other than to focus on my health and recovery.

As the amount of e-mails I've received during the time was staggering, and I'm not completely out of the woods yet, please allow me to use this opportunity to thank all of you who sent me emails regarding my standing. Thank you, from my heart.

I won't be able to work full time for a while, so my blog won't be updated as often as before, and won't be able to respond to your inquires promptly, for that I, in advance apologize, sincerely. Be patient with me. ;-)

So, anyhow, a few days ago, maybe because the weather was so nice and warm, I felt a lot better and decided to get to work. This is the finished book: The Annual Register, or a view of the History, Politics and Literature for the year 1782. (London, printed for J. Dodsley, 1783) The original was a typical half binding with nonpareil marble, but the client asked for a new full leather with custom mottling. I dyed the leather a couple of years ago, for future use, and at last it's been bound! As you see, I did a quick Cambridge on this one though the client didn't specifically ask for it. I just felt better that day, and wanted to do something little more than a plain, rather boring full leather binding. I hope he likes it.


  1. Hi MHR how good you updated! Yes it is true, one of the weirdest thing on internet is that people disappears and we wonder if they died or got tired, sick, etc. i am happy that you are better. Thanks for sharing your last piece of work and i hope you can be better.

  2. Thanks, Lucia! I am getting better, so hopefully in a few months or so, I'd be able to work full time like before!

  3. OMG welcome back, I was so worried. I kept checking back here ever month or so to see if you'd show up.
    Also your work looks as impeccable as always.

    1. So sorry about that, and thanks for your consideration! You made my eyes water! I've been feeling better lately, so I hope to come back full time soon! - My mater seems to have aged like 10 years during my absence because of backlogs and work overload!?! I have to get things moving quickly!

  4. Yay welcome back! I only discovered your blog in the fall of last year after visiting Williamsburg, Virginia where they live like they would in the colonial era. The most amazing part of the trip to me was their bookbinders and it sparked my curiosity which eventually led me to your tutorials. You have personally been quite an inspiring person to me and I'm glad you're feeling better! Your work is fantastic and I hope to be able to do as well, though I have much to learn!

    1. ! I didn't know Colonial Williamsburg had a bindery!? That's wonderful. I wish to visit there one day.

      And thanks for your kind word about my work, James. I hope to add more of an instructional info on my blog for falks like yourself, but first, I gotta get my health back and our backlog list shortened!

  5. So glad you're back! Always enjoy reading your blog!

  6. Ah,M.Finally,you are back!
    it is a huge suprise for me when I check your blog today:)
    I am so happy for your blogging again,and your health is turnning better.(i have guessed and worried that you may have health issue) .

    1. Hi Huhu!

      I'm so sorry for not responding to your concerned emails, but I hope you understand.. Things had been really messy. ;-(

      I'll be taking things slow, so I won't be updating my blog as frequent as before. But when I come across books that I want to share with you guys, I'd make sure to take pictures of them! <-- I always forget to do that. :-p

      Thank you for being a consistently good friend, Huhu. <3

  7. The triumphant return of.....M! [renaissance horn music] [M being carried on a palanquin]
