Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dedication of My Subscriber

One of my dear YouTube subscribers, Ernesto from Mexico sent me some pictures of his binding work and a sewing frame he's built by himself. What  dedication! A sewing frame is very simple in construction, but costs a lot if you try to purchase it commercially. So, I'm glad to see that someone is dedicated enough to have built it from scratch! You can do it, too, my dear subscribers! One of the troubles you might face when building a sewing frame is the threaded wood that requires a threader to make. So, like he did, you can use commercially available threaded metal rods with wing nut screws. He also sent me a picture of his laptop showing my YouTube video. Wow, ... I know there are thousands of people from around the world watching and trying out what I've shown on my videos, but seeing it firsthand is rather emotional. It's a pleasantly strange feeling, to be honest. Thanks Ernesto for taking time to send me these wonderful pictures! You've made my day. *NOTE* Pictures are shown here with his permission.